Friday, June 27, 2008

A Mystic Master

From time immemorial, our earth has witnessed the auspicious presence of human beings who attained the highest levels of consciousness. We call them sages, hermits, ascetics, mystics, enlightened souls. They came, healed, acted as beacons and showed mankind the way out of the darkness in which it was enmeshed.

Today, when the world is going through turmoil, Anandmurti Gurumaa is taking mankind away from chaos and guiding them towards peace and harmony. Her love, her grace, her spiritual vision have moved many hearts and shown the way towards higher realms of consciousness, larger spaces of freedom and in-depth silence. Anandmurti Gurumaa, indeed, is a refreshing change in the world of traditional gurus.

Anandmurti means "an embodiment of Divine Bliss". Gurumaa means "Master Mother". True to her name, Anandmurti Gurumaa is a master, a mother and an embodiment of divine bliss. A sangam of love, intellect and spiritual vision. A true crusader, a mystic, a poet - a 21st century master. Pragmatic in her approach to life, Gurumaa gives hope and throws light on the path to seekers to achieve Buddhahood.

But this path of discovering oneself, knowing the unknowable and then telling it to others – is a difficult task. Many enlightened masters have appeared on the face of the earth but Gurumaa is unique, unparalleled. Her approach is that of the the path of awareness. A difficult job, indeed, considering the fact that even a micro-organism carries a monster-sized ego; what to say about humans!

Therefore, Gurumaa says: "You too are a Buddha – the only difference is that you are asleep". She further advises: "Wake up and claim your treasure. You are just a visitor on this earth; do not try to make the world your home. You are an immortal in a mortal body."

But she throws up a challenge: "Do not believe in my words, experience it yourself. Explore and learn from your experience. Words are just pointers towards the unknown. Words cannot give you the ultimate experience."

Human beings have tendency to accept things on the face, and hence get duped easily. People have been cheated, exploited and fooled by many gurus. In the name of Shaktipat, all lazy and gullible people end up with the charlatans. The spiritual path is the path of a warrior where you have to wage a war against your own darkness, your own ignorance and your own mind. To achieve all this, you need to surrender to the master and with humility, work on your mind with the bountiful grace of the divine. One surrenders to gain luminosity. Gurumaa offers a vibrant Buddhafield to seekers. Under her guidance you can see your real face, you can know who you are.

From where have we originated? What is the purpose of our existence? "If these questions bother you, then come and be with me", Gurumaa invites lovingly. But you need to have great tolerance and perseverance to be with her. Gurumaa is a giver, not waiting to gain from you. She will never massage your ego.

"Things are difficult only up to that point where you do not wish to change," says Gurumaa. The most tantalizing thing is that you may not wake up even after a lot of hard work but yet for some the door may open in a flash. This mystery cannot be understood by mind, but it can be known only through experience. Meditation is the method and the Master is the gate through which the seeker can pass. Walk on the path, raising the level of consciousness as you move along, from mind to no-mind, from words to silence. Monkeyhood to Buddhahood!

Gurumaa teaches the path where you question everything, never accepting any concept or thought blindly; you keep on experimenting and analyzing all which is heard , since the ultimate satisfaction always comes from within never from outside. Moving away from the ritualistic, societal conditionings and soaring higher towards esoteric realms of spirituality gives the strong foothold on this path where one can only stick with fearlessness and sincerity.More @ Gurumaa